jeudi 31 janvier 2019

Projection Points ArUco Marks

I am developed an application for calibrate 3 cameras, i'm using an Aruco board 3D. When i try to project points from 3D to 2D and then draw this, the ids markers is drawn randomly. I don't understand why this happens and is harder draw this markers exactly. I attach the image with the result:

enter image description here

Below you can see the output of my calibration

    "number camera": {
  "dist_coeffs": [  7.747757704467927e-20,  2.7128757910621084e-14, 2.0805976286646755e-22,
                          2.892724687955422e-22, -3.911300702468758e-20                                           ],

  "extrinsic_params": [  0.9955066953788915,    0.07732327027806252,  0.0546583143657419, 126.33880396061808,
                                   0.09469117766170831, -0.8128039484252789,   -0.5747898070576021, 307.0727477049988,
                                  -0.0000181338734452,    0.5773827615176801,   -0.8164736042110489, -74.26709128158872,
                                   0,                                  0,                                 0,                               1                            ],

  "intrinsic_params": [ 1, 0, 2.2509091168656316e-28, 
                                 0, 1, 1.6229852483634223e-28, 
                                 0, 0, 1                                      ] }

Please help!

Best Regards,

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