mardi 25 juin 2019

How to Call a Function Without Initializing it Before other one C++

My Problem here is that i have initialized a function mainscr() which on a condition call vdetails(). but as the code is shown below the program doesn't compile because of either of the functions is not initialized before the other. If i keep mainscr() on top of vdetails() mainscr will not run but vdetails() will because mainscr() is initialized before. Can anyone suggest me on how i can declare the function as to be used from anywhere.

Tried using Header file in which already vdetails() is included but getting error like include nested too deep.

void mainscr()
    stringstream foos (detamt);
    foos >> detamto;
    char flago;
    cout<<"Welcome To Maxon Bank Banking Portal"<<endl<<endl;
    cout<<"  Please Choose From the Following: "<<endl<<endl;
    cout<<"  1. View Details "<<endl<<endl; cout<<"  2. Check Balance"<<endl<<endl;
    cout<<"  3. Deposit Cash "<<endl<<endl; cout<<"  4. Withdraw Cash "<<endl<<endl;
    cout<<"  Option: ";
    if (flago=='1')

void vdetails()
        cout<<"Maxon Bank Banking Portal"<<endl<<endl;
        cout<<"  "<<detacno<<endl<<endl;
        cout<<"  "<<detn<<endl<<endl;
        cout<<"  "<<detactype<<endl<<endl;
        cout<<"  AVAILABLE BALANCE: INR "<<detamto<<endl<<endl;

Actually i am trying to ask user their input if input is 1 then that will show them their account details and go back to mainscr() where this thing will happen again if input is same.

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