samedi 31 août 2019

ThreadSanitizer detects a data race, where is the problem?

In this sample program, I'm trying to avoid using forward declaration and cyclic dependency exploiting a lambda function (called data_race)

struct B{
    int x;
    std::thread* tid;

    B(int _x){
        x = _x;
        tid = NULL;

        if(tid != NULL) delete tid;

    void run(std::function<void(B*)> f){
        auto body = [&f, this](){

        tid=new std::thread(body);

    void wait(){

struct A{
    int x;
    std::mutex mtx;

    A(int _x){
        x = _x;

    void foo(B* b){
        std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(mtx);
        x = b->x;

int main(){
    A a(99);
    std::vector<B> v;

    auto data_race = [&a](B* b){;};

    for(int i=0; i<10; i++){

    for(int i=0; i<v.size(); i++){

    for(int i=0; i<v.size(); i++){

    return 0;

However ThreadSanitizer detects a data race coming from the lambda function data_race. Can you help me understand why? The mutex inside A should be enough to avoid it.

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