samedi 30 novembre 2019

Accessing to a private member of 'this' pointer in a static member function

I've just discovered something that was in contradiction to what I knew about the language. Let's start with following statemets:

  • this pointer of a class has type: Class* const
  • accessing private members of an object is not possible (except friend class objects)
  • a static method does not have access to object data

So the code below would not compile if not commented:

class Foo{
    Foo* getPtr(){
        return this;

    int m_id;

int main(int argc, char **argv)
    Foo foo;
    Foo* fooPtr = foo.getPtr();
//    fooPtr->m_id; Won't compile

this pointer can be passed around to functions like a regular pointer, right?

So why it is possible to access private data through this pointer when it's passed to the static function callback as a parameter? What rule of the language allows it?

class Stomach{
    using OnDigested = void (*)(void* userData);

    void StartEating(void* userData){
        timer(std::chrono::seconds(1), m_onDigested, userData);

    void SetOnDigested(OnDigested onDigested) {
        m_onDigested = onDigested;
    OnDigested m_onDigested;

class Animal{
    Animal(std::string specie){
        m_specie = specie;

    void StartLeave(){
    static void OnDigested(void* userData){
        Animal* animal = static_cast<Animal*>(userData);

        std::cout << "Every eaten tiger makes me wonder who I am.."
                     " I must be a: " << animal->m_specie << std::endl;

//        std::string specie = m_specie; //Won't compile

    Stomach m_stomach;
    std::string m_specie;

int main(int argc, char **argv)
    Animal mammoth("Mammoth");

    return 0;

The code above compiles and prints "Every eaten...".

I know that the call to the m_specie member is done from a Animal class, but not from an instance of animal class (static function). I assumed that when a this pointer is passed using userData it could be used as any other pointer (without access to private members)

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