mardi 26 novembre 2019

how do i fix my for loop issue im having?

last quarter in school i passed intro to c++. to get better at writing c++, i decided to take on an intermediate project especially since i'm now going to be in intermediate c++ class soon. This project i decided to take on as a challenge is a mock-up banking system which allows you to open checking and savings account as well as being able to see your balance. a text file will also be used but much later on. right now i have 3 functions in my getdata function im using pass-by-reference to some string and int variables that were declared in the int main function. the for loop inside the getdata function is supposed to read print the question array and use j as the index. it does that all fine, but for some reason i have to put a mock name and hit enter it goes to the next blank line. i figured out that if you enter the same user input 2 more times it takes you to the next question. also am not able to cout data that is collected as user input the arguments in the for loop. How can i fix the that printing problem and how to cout the variables data.

#include <iostream> //input out stream 
#include <fstream>  //used for writing getdata functions arguments into a .txt file which stores mock clients data 
#include <iomanip>  //used for setting width of titles
#include <algorithm> //used later for sort algorithm 
#include <cmath>    //used for getting random number
#include <ctime>    //used for generating a new number  
#inlcude <cstdlib>  
#include <bits/stdc++.h>

using namespace std;

void menu() {
    string titleArr[2] = {"Cookies Banking Management System","Federal Banking Member FDA." };
    string menuArr[3] = { "1. Open Checking Account","2. Open Savings Account", "3. Check Balance" };
    for(int i = 0; i<3; ++i) {
/*The get data function is supposed to take in 4 variables from an int main function and pass it as reference 
we initialize those variables by asking questions which are stored in an array. then we also use a for loop 
to access the array and print the questions to the compiler the other part is that we also ask for user input. the for 
loop is supposed to print this to the compiler after pressing 1`in the main menu: 

Enter Your First Name: John
Enter Your last Name: Doe
Enter Your Phone Number: 000-000-0000

John Doe 000-000-0000
string getdata(int&menuOption, string&firstName, string&lastName, string&phoneNumber) {
    //using the menuOption as pass-by-reference and giving it value with user input
    //the if condition which takes in the var menuOption and see what integer you choose to access the menu.
    if(menuOption == 1) {
        //title description string array with 2 elements
        string desArr[2] = {"Welcome to Cookies Banking Management System"," To open an account please enter info"};
        //prints out title array with each title on its own line.
        //string array for questions to ask before opening mock bank account
        string Questions[3] = {"Enter your first name: ","Enter last name: ","\n Enter your phone no.: "};
        //the for loop that prints out questions array and reads in user input.
        for(int j = 0; j < 3; ++j) {



int main(){

   int menuOption; // this variable stores integral values of 1-3.
   string firstName, lastName, phoneNumber; // these variables store mock clients data with pass-by-reference
   menu();//calls to the menu function 
   getdata(menuOption,firstName, lastName, phoneNumber);//calls to the getdata function and it passes-by-reference the variables above

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