jeudi 28 mai 2020

there is no cout appear

istringstream stm(data) ;
while( stm >> hadis )// read white-space delimited tokens one by one
  cout << hadis <<endl;
  string query1 = "SELECT kata FROM totalkata_malik2 WHERE kata='"+hadis+"'";
  mysql_query(conn, query1.c_str()); //mysql_query(conn,"SELECT kata FROM totalkata_malik2 WHERE kata='"+hadis1+"'");
  ress = mysql_store_result(conn);
  while ((roww = mysql_fetch_row(ress)))
     if (roww[0] == NULL)
       cout << "ok" ;
       cout << "not";

this is my code and i dont know why my cout can not be read by system, therefore there is no nothing appear as the result. i run this program to check whether succeed or not.

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