samedi 30 mai 2020

Why does copy constructor not need to check whether the input object pointers to itself or not?

As the code below, the copy assignment operator has to check whether the input object pointers to itself or not. I wonder why copy constructor does not need to do the same check.

I am novice in C++.I would be grateful to have some help on this question.

  class rule_of_three
        char* cstring; // raw pointer used as a handle to a dynamically-allocated memory block

        void init(const char* s)
            std::size_t n = std::strlen(s) + 1;
            cstring = new char[n];
            std::memcpy(cstring, s, n); // populate
        rule_of_three(const char* s = "") { init(s); }

            delete[] cstring;  // deallocate

        rule_of_three(const rule_of_three& other) // copy constructor

        rule_of_three& operator=(const rule_of_three& other) // copy assignment
            if(this != &other) {
                delete[] cstring;  // deallocate
            return *this;

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