dimanche 25 octobre 2020

C++ copy/move and destructor invocations [duplicate]

Trying to understand why my destructor get invoked only twice in the following example:

#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
using namespace std;

class myclass{
    int a, b, c;
    vector<int> mvec;
        cout << "getting destroyed ...\n";

myclass factory_method(){
    myclass a {9,99,999, {0,1,2,3}};
    //cout << a;
    return a;

void test_func(){
    cout << "====\n";
    myclass b = factory_method();
    myclass c {b};

int main (){
    return 0;

// prints the following
//getting destroyed ...
//getting destroyed ...

As I understand, the compiler generates copy/move constructors and assignment functions, which I can see working.

But in this piece of code I'm creating 3 objects, 1 in factory_method on stack (which is moved and I understand that). This object a will be destroyed when its stack frame is destroyed, then in test_func, object b is moved to, from factory_method and object c is created by compiler generated copy constructor on object b. Both object b and c should get destroyed when test_func stack frame gets destroyed and I should see 3 'getting destroyed' messages.

I get only two, am I missing something? Can someone please explain?

Thank you!

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