vendredi 30 octobre 2020

Dynamic graph using Treap data structure

I am trying to implement Dynamic graph using Treap data structue.

Here is node structure:

    class TreapNode
                int key;
                int priority;
                TreapNode* left, *right;
                vector<int> neighbourNode;
                TreapNode(int key)
                    this->priority = 0;
                    this->key = key;
                    this->left  = nullptr;
                    this->right = nullptr;
                TreapNode* addNode(TreapNode*&,int);
                void updateNode(TreapNode*&,int,int);

When I want to add neighbouring node to particular node,

  1. I search the node , and then add neighbouring node to search node's vector<int> neighbourNode through updateNode(), in the following way.


But my professor says, store address of vector<int> neighbourNode in the node.

  1. Is it going to reduce my TreapNode size ?
  2. How to store address and access it ? I tried this way in TreapNode class but it is giving neighbourNode undefine error.

int* neighbourNodeAddress =

Can anyone help me ?

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