lundi 30 novembre 2020

Advantage of using Factory method in C++

I was asked to create a Factory method and was asked to invoke the method "createEMRProcess" using factory method. Could anyone Please suggest any improvement or suggestions?

Below is the Factory Class and Factory method:


class CEMRFactory
 std::shared_ptr<CTestImpl> createEMR(IMedOrder* f_hMedOrder, int f_nProductID, int f_nMedId);


#include "EMRFactory.h"

std::shared_ptr<CTestImpl> CEMRFactory::createEMR(IMedOrder* f_hMedOrder, int f_nProductID, int f_nMedId)
    return CTestImpl::getInstance(f_hMedOrder, f_nProductID, f_nMedId);

From the factory method, we are invoking the getInstance. And getInstance method is implemented in CTestImpl like as shown below:


static shared_ptr<CTestImpl>               ms_hActiveInstance;


shared_ptr<CTestImpl> CTestImpl :: ms_hActiveInstance = NULL;

shared_ptr<CTestImpl> CTestImpl::getInstance(IMedOrder* f_hMedOrder, int f_nProductID, int f_nMedId)
    if (NULL == ms_hActiveInstance)
        ms_hActiveInstance = shared_ptr<CTestImpl> (new CTestImpl(f_hMedOrder, f_nProductID, f_nMedId));
    return ms_hActiveInstance;

I am using the Factory method in the below class like as shown below. And then invoking the method:


std::shared_ptr<CTestImpl> m_pTestImpl;
shared_ptr<CEMRFactory>   m_pEMRCollection;


void processApp()
 m_pTestImpl = m_pEMRCollection->createEMR(this, 1, 1);
 m_pTestImpl->createEMRProcess("EMR", Id, true, false);

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