mardi 23 février 2021

C++ generic callback implementation

I have a code that takes messages from flash player in a form of XML parse them into function and arguments and calls a registered callback for that function. The piece of code that I want to replace is something nicely done (almost) generic Callback mechanism: code for the generic callback implementation of flashSDK (ASInterface.inl).

The problem with it is that this code is written for flash and I want to replace the flash and use other service that will have the same interface. Is there any standard implementation of this callback mechanism (std? boost? something else open sourced?)?

This code implements generic callbacks mechanism that you can register function with number of arguments and types in a map:

void SomethingHappened(int a, int b) {print a + b;}
void SomethingElseHappened(string abcd) {print abcd;}
callbacks["SomethingHappened"] = &SomethingHappened;
callbacks["SomethingElseHappened"] = &SomethingElseHappened;

and than search for it and call with an array of arguments:

Callbacks::iterator itCallback = callbacks.find(functionName);
if (itCallback != callbacks.end())
    HRESULT result = itCallback->second.Call(arguments, returnValue);

full usage example:

//init callbacks
typedef std::map<std::wstring, Callback> callbacks;
void SomethingHappened(int a, int b) {print a + b;}
void SomethingElseHappened(string abcd) {print abcd;}
callbacks[functionName] = &SomethingHappened;

void MessageArrived(string xmlInput)
    string functionName = parseFunctionName(xmlInput);
    Callbacks::iterator itCallback = callbacks.find(functionName);
    if (itCallback != callbacks.end())
        //parse arguments
        std::vector<std::wstring> args;
        _Args::split(xml, args);
        ASValue::Array arguments;
        for (size_t i = 0, s = args.size(); i < s; ++i)
            ASValue arg; arg.FromXML(args[i]);
        ASValue returnValue;
        //***this is where the magic happens: call the function***
        HRESULT result = itCallback->second.Call(arguments, returnValue);
        return result;

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