mardi 12 avril 2022

Detaching Threads in a loop - C++

I have a code where I call some GET and POST CURL functions in a loop. I want to call it and the result do not matter to me cause inside the function it's saves the result in a log file. The speed is crucial so I am detaching this functions like the code bellow:

  // other codes ///
  std::thread httpthread = std::thread([&]() {

    GETPOSTEvents GETEvent;
    string LogPath = logPathforerror;
    GETEvent.sendHttpEvent(quantity3_HTTPEvent, LogPath);


  if (httpthread.joinable()) {
  std::thread httpthread2 = std::thread([&]() {
    GETPOSTEvents GETEvent;
    string LogPath = logPathforerror;
    GETEvent.sendHttpEvent(quantity3_HTTPEvent2, LogPath);
  if (httpthread2.joinable()) {
 // other codes ///


My question: is this safe? Is there any problem if the detached function do not ends before the loop?


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