vendredi 17 juin 2022

clang says C++ code is ambiguous, gcc accepts it, which one is right?

I'm trying to port some code written for GCC (8.2) to be compilable by clang:

#include <tuple>

struct Q{};

using TUP = std::tuple<Q>;

template<typename Fn>
void feh(Fn&, const std::tuple<>*)

template<typename Fn, typename H>
void feh(Fn& fn, const std::tuple<H>*)

template<typename  Fn, typename H, typename... R>
void feh(Fn& fn, const std::tuple<H, R...>*)
    using Rest = const std::tuple<R...>*;
    feh<Fn, R...>(fn, static_cast<Rest>(nullptr));

template<typename Tuple, typename Fn>
void fe(Fn& fn, const Tuple  *  tpl =  nullptr)
    feh(fn, tpl);

int main()
    auto r = [] (Q const&) {};
    TUP tup;
    fe<TUP>(r, &tup);

GCC 8.2 (and 12.1) compiles the code just fine. However, clang 11.0.0 (and 14.0.0) complains that the call from fe to feh is ambiguous between void feh(Fn& fn, const std::tuple<H>*) [with Fn = (lambda at <source>:38:14), H = Q] and void feh(Fn& fn, const std::tuple<H, R...>*) [with Fn = (lambda at <source>:38:14), H = Q, R = <>].

Which compiler is right?

How can I write this code so both compilers accept it?

Edit after answers have been posted:

Both if constexpr and fold expressions would work in C++17, but this is a library header included by many projects, and not all of them are compiled with C++17. I need a solution which works in C++11.

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