jeudi 29 septembre 2022

Getting(Exception from HRESULT: 0x80020005 (DISP_E_TYPEMISMATCH) when calling function from to cpp

when I am trying to call the function from to cpp the above exception is seen. This was working fine when I call from vbs to cpp. Please find a below code:


Public Function gettingLock(ByRef loids_out As Object, ByRef modes_out As Object, ByRef ids_out As Object, ByRef flags_out As Object) As Object

    Dim aLoids As Object
    Dim aModes As Object
    Dim aIds As Object
    Dim aFlags As Object
    pxdb.getLockInformation(aLoids, aModes, aIds, aFlags)


STDMETHODIMP CPXDBServer::getLockInformation(InterCollection **loids, InterCollection **modes, InterCollection **ids, InterCollection **flags) {


While calling getLockInformation () from Sample.vb to Sample.cpp getting Exception from HRESULT: 0x80020005 (DISP_E_TYPEMISMATCH)

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