mercredi 12 octobre 2022


Is there a way in C++11, to create a container with map of interfaces as key and implementation classes as value of that key. What I wan't to do, is to be able to bind interfaces with certain implementations, then instantiate quickly class assigned to that interface. I'll explain using code:

Locator locator;

// binding ILogisticsCarrierPairingModel with DummyModel:
locator.bind<ILogisticsCarrierPairingModel, DummyModel>();

// instantiating DummyModel, by calling function with interface name:
ILogisticsCarrierPairingModel* model2 = locator.get<ILogisticsCarrierPairingModel>();

// binding ILogisticsCarrierPairingModel with LogisticsCarrierPairingModel:
locator.bind<ILogisticsCarrierPairingModel, LogisticsCarrierPairingModel>();

// now instantiating LogisticsCarrierPairingModel, by calling function with interface name:
model2 = locator.get<ILogisticsCarrierPairingModel>();

Thanks in advance.

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