samedi 12 novembre 2022

How to correctly pass a function with parameters to another function?

I have the following code to demonstrate a function been called inside another function.

The below code works correctly:

#include <iostream>

int thirds()
    return 6 + 1;
template <typename T, typename B>
int hello(T x, B y , int (*ptr)() ){
    int first = x + 1;
    int second = y + 1;
    int third = (*ptr) (); ;
    return first + second + third;
int add(){
     int (*ptr)() = &thirds;
    return hello(1,1, thirds);
int main()
    return 0;

Now I want to pass one number as a parameter from add function ie into thirds function (thirds(6)).

I am trying this way:

#include <iostream>

int thirds(int a){
    return a + 1;

template <typename T, typename B>
int hello(T x, B y , int (*ptr)(int a)() ){
    int first = x + 1;
    int second = y + 1;
    int third = (*ptr)(a) (); ;
    return first + second + third;

int add(){
     int (*ptr)() = &thirds;
    return hello(1,1, thirds(6)); //from here pass a number

int main()

    return 0;

My expected output is:


But It is not working. Please can someone show me what I am doing wrong?

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