lundi 20 février 2023

Will the same lambda be created multiple times in C++?

  void do_something(std::function<void(void)> callback){

  int main() {
    int counter = 0;
    while(counter < 10000000) {
      do_something([&](){  std::cout << "by reference:" << counter << endl;  })
      do_something([=](){  std::cout << "by value:" << counter << endl;  })

As shown in the above code, will a new lambda be created in each loop? Will there be a difference with capturing a value or a reference?

I've been searching for some articles, but still not quite sure. I believe value-capturing lambdas need to be created multiple times, while reference-capturing ones probably don't.

If a lambda captured by reference can be reused, will the copying of the lambda still happen? For example, will the following two functions still make a difference?

  void do_something2(std::function<void(void)> callback){
  void do_something2(std::function<void(void)> & callback){

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