jeudi 27 avril 2023

Why am I getting a Segmentation Fault in my program?

I was trying to do this program when I noticed in my points3D method that something was causing a Segmentation fault and I don't know what caused it. The goal of this program is to test out 4 different methods and try to get a certain answer. I thought I mostly did it right until I noticed my method ~point3D. Although I fixed this problem, I cant find any problem why this would happen.

//You only need iostream, no other header files are allowed
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

//Code for part 1
class point2D {
    int x, y;
      char* label;
    int getX(){
      return x;
    int getY(){
      return y;
   char* getLabel(){
      return label;
    void setX(int a){
      x = a;
    void setY(int b){
      y = b;
    void setLabel(char* g){
      label = g;
    virtual void show(){
      cout << "The point data is " << "(" << x << "," << y << "," << label << ")" << endl;
    point2D(int x, int y, char * label){
      this->x = x;
      this->y = y;
      label = nullptr;
      if(label != nullptr){
        delete[] label;


//Code for part 2
class point3D : public point2D {
  int z;

  int getZ(){
    return z;
  void setZ(int c){
    z = c;
  void show(){
    cout << "(" << getX() << "," << getY() << "," << z << "," << getLabel() << ")\n";
  point3D(int a, int b, int c, char * l) : point2D(a,b,l) {
      z = c;
//Code for Part 3
class node {
  point3D* data;
  node* next;
  static int counter;
  void show(){
    if(data != nullptr){
    data = nullptr;
    next = nullptr;
    if(data != nullptr){
      delete[] data;

//Code for Part 4
class linkedList {
    node* head;
  bool empty() {
        return head == nullptr;
    int size() {
        int c = 0;
        node* it = head;
        while (it != nullptr) {
            it = it->next;
        return c;
    bool push(point3D* np) {
        node* nn = new node();
        nn->data = np;
        return push(nn);
    bool push(node* nn) {
        nn->next = head;
        head = nn;
        return true;
    bool append(point3D* np) {
        node* nn = new node();
        nn->data = np;
        return append(nn);
    bool append(node* nn) {
        if (head != nullptr) {
            node* it = head;
            while (it->next != nullptr) {
                it = it->next;
            it->next = nn;
        else {
            head = nn;
        return true;
    void show() {
        node* it = head;
        while (it != nullptr) {
            it = it->next;
    linkedList() {
        head = nullptr;
    node * it = head;
    node = nullptr;
    while(it != nullptr){

int node::counter = 0;
int main() {
    int testMode;//Determines the test to be executed
    std::cin >> testMode;
    switch (testMode) {
    case 1:{
        //1) Test part 1
        point2D * p12D = new point2D(12, 24, (char*)"test 1");
        p12D->setLabel((char*)"Landing Zone A");
        delete p12D;
   case 2: {
        //2) Test part 2
        point3D* p13D = new point3D(12, 24, 36,(char*) "test 2");
        p13D->setLabel((char*)"Landing Zone B");
        point2D* p22D = dynamic_cast<point2D*>(p13D);
    case 3: {
        //3) Test part 3
        node* nn = new node();
        std::cout << node::counter << std::endl;
        delete nn;

        nn = new node();
        std::cout << node::counter << std::endl;
        point3D* p23D = new point3D(48,60,72,"Landing Zone C");
        nn->data = p23D;
        delete nn;

    case 4: {
        //4) Test part 4
        linkedList* myList = new linkedList();
        int i;
        for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
            node* nn = new node();
            point3D* p3D = new point3D(12*i, 24*i, 36*i, "Landing Zone ");

        point3D* p3D = new point3D(12 * i, 24 * i, 36 * i, "Landing Zone ");
        myList->insertNode(p3D, 1);
        delete myList;
    return 0;

I have tried multiple things and got a error that was void operator delete(void*, std::size_t)’ called on unallocated object ‘p13D.

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