lundi 26 janvier 2015

Constructor taking shared_ptr

I have situation like this

struct Foo
Foo(int x, int y) : x(x), y(y)
int x, y;

class Bar
typedef std::shared_ptr<const Foo> ConstFooPtr;
typedef std::shared_ptr<Foo> FooPtr;

Bar(int index = 0, FooPtr ptr = FooPtr()) : index_(index), ptr_(ptr)

ConstFooPtr ptr_;
int index_;

I want to produce Bar and 2 methods comes to my mind

Bar::FooPtr ptr(new Foo(1, 2)); //1

auto ptr2 = std::make_shared<Bar::FooPtr::element_type>(42, 13); //2

auto bar = Bar(0, ptr);

The first one is preety general, because if I will change the type of FooPtr perhaps I will not have to chage this code. But it uses new which is bad I guess.

Second doesn't use new, but it assumes that it is shared_ptr which is not general also.

Is there any method to make it work and be general? Or maybe I should never take some ptrs in constructor?

(I store ptr to const Foo because I will make copies of Bar and change index_, but data in ptr_ will be the same - You can asume that Foo is something big with some containers)

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