vendredi 1 mai 2015

What is wrong in my code which uses CGALminkowski sum fanction and a loop to calculate minkowski additions...?

So...I wrote a code using the CGAL library...The problem is the program when runs stops in the middle somewhere with out finishing its job...I am new at cpp and I cant find the prob...

#include <CGAL/Exact_predicates_exact_constructions_kernel.h>
#include <CGAL/minkowski_sum_2.h>
#include <CGAL/Small_side_angle_bisector_decomposition_2.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include "print_utils.h"

using namespace std;

struct Kernel : public CGAL::Exact_predicates_exact_constructions_kernel {};
typedef Kernel::Point_2                               Point_2;
typedef CGAL::Polygon_2<Kernel>                       Polygon_2;
typedef CGAL::Polygon_with_holes_2<Kernel>            Polygon_with_holes_2;

int main ()
    int N;

  // Open the input file.
  ifstream    in_file ("convex.dat");
  ofstream    out_file ("mink_poly.dat");

  if (! in_file.is_open())
    std::cerr << "Failed to open the input file." << std::endl;
    return (1);

  // Read the two polygons from the file and compute their Minkowski sum.
  Polygon_2   Robot, Q;

  in_file >> Robot;

      in_file >> N;

      int i=0;
      int j=0;

          in_file >> Q;

  // Compute the Minkowski sum using the decomposition approach.

  CGAL::Small_side_angle_bisector_decomposition_2<Kernel>  ssab_decomp;
  Polygon_with_holes_2  sum = minkowski_sum_2 (Robot, Q, ssab_decomp);


  cout << "Robot (+) Q"<<j<<" = "; print_polygon_with_holes (sum);





  return (0);

this is my code....

and this is what terminal says....

fytos@fytos-Satellite-L650:~/theesis/mink_louper$ ./looper 
Robot (+) Q1 = { Outer boundary = [ 8 vertices: (4 2) (6 2) (7 5) (6 8) (4 8) (3 7) (2 4) (4 3) ]
  0 holes:
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'CGAL::Precondition_exception'
  what():  CGAL ERROR: precondition violation!
Expr: pgn2.is_simple()
File: /home/fytos/Downloads/CGAL-4.6/include/CGAL/Minkowski_sum_2/Minkowski_sum_decomp_2.h
Line: 120
Aborted (core dumped)

it complains about a line 120 in a header is the header file..The line 120 is showed by a msg I wrote there...

// Copyright (c) 2006  Tel-Aviv University (Israel).
// All rights reserved.
// This file is part of CGAL (
// You can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU
// General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation,
// either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
// Licensees holding a valid commercial license may use this file in
// accordance with the commercial license agreement provided with the software.
// This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE
// $URL$
// $Id$
// Author(s)     : Ron Wein   <>


#include <CGAL/Arr_segment_traits_2.h>
#include <CGAL/Polygon_with_holes_2.h>

#include <CGAL/Boolean_set_operations_2.h>
#include <CGAL/General_polygon_set_2.h>
#include <CGAL/Gps_segment_traits_2.h>
#include <list>

namespace CGAL {

/*! \class
 * A class for computing the Minkowski sum of two simple polygons based on
 * their decomposition two convex sub-polygons, taking the pairwise sums and
 * computing the union of the sub-sums.

template <class DecompStrategy_, class Container_>
class Minkowski_sum_by_decomposition_2

  typedef DecompStrategy_                             Decomposition_strategy;
  typedef Container_                                  Container;
  typedef typename Decomposition_strategy::Polygon_2  Polygon_2;


  // Kernel types:
  typedef typename Decomposition_strategy::Kernel        Kernel;
  typedef typename Kernel::Point_2                       Point_2;
  typedef typename Kernel::Vector_2                      Vector_2;
  typedef typename Kernel::Direction_2                   Direction_2;

  // Kernel functors:
  typedef typename Kernel::Equal_2                       Equal_2;
  typedef typename Kernel::Compare_angle_with_x_axis_2   Compare_angle_2;
  typedef typename Kernel::Construct_translated_point_2  Translate_point_2;
  typedef typename Kernel::Construct_vector_2            Construct_vector_2;
  typedef typename Kernel::Construct_direction_2         Construct_direction_2;
  typedef typename Kernel::Orientation_2                 Compute_orientation_2;
  typedef typename Kernel::Compare_x_2                   Compare_x_2;
  typedef typename Kernel::Compare_y_2                   Compare_y_2;
  typedef typename Kernel::Compare_xy_2                  Compare_xy_2;

  // Polygon-related types:
  typedef typename Polygon_2::Vertex_circulator          Vertex_circulator;
  typedef std::list<Polygon_2>                           Polygons_list;
  typedef typename Polygons_list::iterator               Polygons_iterator;

  typedef CGAL::Arr_segment_traits_2<Kernel>             Arr_segment_traits;
  typedef CGAL::Gps_segment_traits_2<Kernel,Container,Arr_segment_traits>  Traits_2;
  typedef CGAL::General_polygon_set_2<Traits_2>          General_polygon_set_2;
  typedef CGAL::Polygon_with_holes_2<Kernel,Container>   Polygon_with_holes_2;
  typedef std::list<Polygon_with_holes_2>                Polygon_with_holes_list;

  // Data members:
  Equal_2                 f_equal;
  Compare_angle_2         f_compare_angle;
  Translate_point_2       f_add;
  Construct_vector_2      f_vector;
  Construct_direction_2   f_direction;
  Compute_orientation_2   f_orientation;
  Compare_x_2             f_compare_x;
  Compare_y_2             f_compare_y;
  Compare_xy_2            f_compare_xy;


  /*! Default constructor. */
  Minkowski_sum_by_decomposition_2 ()
    // Obtain kernel functors.
    Kernel                ker;

    f_equal = ker.equal_2_object();
    f_compare_angle = ker.compare_angle_with_x_axis_2_object();
    f_add = ker.construct_translated_point_2_object(); 
    f_vector = ker.construct_vector_2_object();
    f_direction = ker.construct_direction_2_object();
    f_orientation = ker.orientation_2_object();
    f_compare_x = ker.compare_x_2_object();
    f_compare_y = ker.compare_y_2_object();
    f_compare_xy = ker.compare_xy_2_object();

   * Compute the Minkowski sum of two simple polygons.
   * \param pgn1 The first polygon.
   * \param pgn2 The second polygon.
   * \pre Both input polygons are simple.
   * \return The resulting polygon with holes, representing the sum.
  operator() (const Polygon_2& pgn1,
              const Polygon_2& pgn2) const
    CGAL_precondition (pgn1.is_simple());
    CGAL_precondition (pgn2.is_simple()); //THIS IS LINE 120!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    // Decompose both input polygons to convex sub-polygons.
    Decomposition_strategy  decomp_strat;
    Polygons_list           sub_pgns1;
    Polygons_list           sub_pgns2;
    Polygons_list           sub_sum_polygons;

    decomp_strat (pgn1, std::back_inserter(sub_pgns1));
    decomp_strat (pgn2, std::back_inserter(sub_pgns2));

    // Compute the sub-sums of all pairs of sub-polygons.
    Polygons_iterator       end1 = sub_pgns1.end();
    Polygons_iterator       end2 = sub_pgns2.end();
    Polygons_iterator       curr1, curr2;

    for (curr1 = sub_pgns1.begin(); curr1 != end1; ++curr1)
      for (curr2 = sub_pgns2.begin(); curr2 != end2; ++curr2)
        // Compute the sum of the current pair of convex sub-polygons.
        Polygon_2               sub_sum;
        _compute_sum_of_convex (*curr1, *curr2, sub_sum);



    General_polygon_set_2 gps;


    Polygon_with_holes_list sum;


    return (*(sum.begin()));


   * Compute the Minkowski sum of two convex polygons.
   * \param pgn1 The first convex polygon.
   * \param pgn2 The second convex polygon.
   * \param sub_sum Output: Polygon which is the sub sum of the two convex polygons
  void _compute_sum_of_convex (const Polygon_2& pgn1,
                               const Polygon_2& pgn2,
                               Polygon_2& sub_sum) const
    // Find the bottom-left vertex in both polygons.
    Vertex_circulator         first1, curr1, next1;
    Vertex_circulator         bottom_left1;
    Comparison_result         res;
    bottom_left1 = curr1 = first1 = pgn1.vertices_circulator();
    while (curr1 != first1)
      res = f_compare_y (*curr1, *bottom_left1);
      if (res == SMALLER ||
          (res == EQUAL && f_compare_x (*curr1, *bottom_left1) == SMALLER))
        bottom_left1 = curr1;

    // Find the bottom-left vertex in both polygons.
    Vertex_circulator         first2, curr2, next2;
    Vertex_circulator         bottom_left2;

    bottom_left2 = curr2 = first2 = pgn2.vertices_circulator();
    while (curr2 != first2)
      res = f_compare_y (*curr2, *bottom_left2);
      if (res == SMALLER ||
          (res == EQUAL && f_compare_x (*curr2, *bottom_left2) == SMALLER))
        bottom_left2 = curr2;

    // Start from the bottom-left vertices.
    next1 = curr1 = bottom_left1;
    next2 = curr2 = bottom_left2;

    // Compute the Minkowski sum.
    Point_2                   first_pt;
    Point_2                   curr_pt;
    Point_2                   prev_pt;
    bool                      is_first = true;
    bool                      inc1, inc2;
    bool                      moved_on1 = false;
    bool                      moved_on2 = false;

      // Compute the sum of the two current vertices (we actually translate
      // the point curr1 by a vector equivalent to the point curr2).
      curr_pt = f_add (*curr1, f_vector(CGAL::ORIGIN, *curr2));

      if (is_first)
        // This is the first point we have computed.
        first_pt = prev_pt = curr_pt;
        is_first = false;
        // Add a segment from the previously summed point to the current one.
        res = f_compare_xy (prev_pt, curr_pt);
        CGAL_assertion (res != EQUAL);
        prev_pt = curr_pt;

      // Compare the angles the current edges form with the x-axis.
      res = f_compare_angle (f_direction (f_vector (*curr1, *next1)), 
                             f_direction (f_vector (*curr2, *next2)));

      // Proceed to the next vertex according to the result.
      inc1 = (res != LARGER);
      inc2 = (res != SMALLER);

      if (inc1 && moved_on1 && curr1 == bottom_left1)
        inc1 = false;
        inc2 = true;

      if (inc2 && moved_on2 && curr2 == bottom_left2)
        inc1 = true;
        inc2 = false;

      if (inc1)
        curr1 = next1;
        moved_on1 = true;

      if (inc2)
        curr2 = next2;
         moved_on2 = true;

    } while (curr1 != bottom_left1 || curr2 != bottom_left2);


} //namespace CGAL


these are not my CGALs code..if someone knows plizzzz

is about my thesis.....

sorry for the long post...

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