My plan is to write a mutation-less code in D-language so that my values are available by runtime. Someone spoke to me about loop-unrolling and compile time code generation but I have no clear idea how to do that. I have made the D-template below but it has no guarantee to be evaluated at compile-time because on the two assignment statements(mutations) . Advice would be greatly appreciated. Suggestions could be preferably in D or C++ without macros.
import std.stdio;
import std.string;
import std.conv;
const string pattern="ABA";
I[C] computeAtCompileTime(S ,C,I)( const S pattern ){
I[C] table1;
const int size = to!int(pattern.length) ;//Length of the pattern to be matched
foreach( c; ALPHABET){ //Initialise array
table1[c] = size;
foreach(i; 0..size-1){
table1[pattern[i]] = size -i-1;
return table1;
enum TableFromCompiler = computeAtCompileTime!(const string ,char, int)(pattern);
void main(){
// enum TableFromCompiler = computeAtCompileTime!(const string ,char, int)(pattern);
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