jeudi 28 janvier 2016

Is it possible to avoid repetition of std::move() on a tuple?

Let's say I have a tuple and a function:

typedef std::tuple< std::unqiue_ptr<int>, std::unqiue_ptr<char> > SomeTuple;          
void someFunction( std::unqiue_ptr<int>, std::unqiue_ptr<char> );

so in a helper function I am unrolling tuple into arguments:

void unroll( SomeTuple &t )
    someFunction( std::get<0>( std::move( t ) ), std::get<1>( std::move( t ) ) );

It works, but I want to avoid repeating of std::move multiple times. Naive solutions like:

void unroll( SomeTuple &t )
    auto &&rt = std::move( t );
    someFunction( std::get<0>( rt ), std::get<1>( rt ) );

obviosly does not work, as rt is a lvalue. So is there a way to avoid repeating std::move() multiple times for each std::get?

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