vendredi 27 mai 2016

C++ implicit conversions with brace initializers

I've recently read somewhere (can't remember where) about using braces to allow multiple user-defined conversions, but there seems to be a difference between conversion by constructor and conversion by conversion method that I don't understand.


#include <string>

using ::std::string;

struct C {
  C() {}

struct A {
  A(const string& s) {}  // Make std::string convertible to A.
  operator C() const { return C(); }  // Makes A convertible to C.

struct B {
  B() {}
  B(const A& a) {}  // Makes A convertible to B.

int main() {
  B b;
  C c;

  // This works.
  // Conversion chain (all thru ctors): char* -> string -> A -> B
  b = char *;

  // These two attempts to make the final conversion through A's
  // conversion method yield compiler errors.
  c = char *;
  c = };
  // On the other hand, this does work (not surprisingly).
  c = A{"char *"};

Now, I may be misinterpreting what the compiler is doing, but (based on the above and additional experimentation) it seems to me that it's not considering conversions by conversion-method. Reading through Sections 4 and of the standard, however, I wasn't able to find a clue why this is. What is the explanation?

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