jeudi 28 juillet 2016

Is there a data race?

class Test {  
  struct hazard_pointer {
        std::atomic<void*> hp;
        std::atomic<std::thread::id> id;

  hazard_pointer hazard_pointers[max_hazard_pointers];

  std::atomic<void*>& get_hazard_pointer_for_current_thread(){
        std::thread::id id = std::this_thread::get_id();
        for( int i =0; i < max_hazard_pointers; i++){
            if( hazard_pointers[i].id.load() == id){
                return hazard_pointers[i].hp;

The function get_hazard_pointer_for_current_thread can be executed parallelly. Is there data race? On my eye there is no data race because of atomic operation, but I am not sure.

So, please make me sure or explain why there is ( are ) data race(s).

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