getting error in sublimetext that Max_ranks isn't handled even though it is defined? Also sublimetext won't let user continue playing Blackjack after the initial build. For example when I build the game, it shows "the dealer is showing 6. You have: 15. (h) to hit or (s) to stand". But when i press h or s nothing happens..
#include <iostream>
#include <array>
#include <ctime> // for time()
#include <cstdlib> // for rand() and srand()
enum CardSuit
enum CardRank
struct Card
CardRank rank;
CardSuit suit;
void printCard(const Card &card)
switch (card.rank)
case RANK_2: std::cout << '2'; break;
case RANK_3: std::cout << '3'; break;
case RANK_4: std::cout << '4'; break;
case RANK_5: std::cout << '5'; break;
case RANK_6: std::cout << '6'; break;
case RANK_7: std::cout << '7'; break;
case RANK_8: std::cout << '8'; break;
case RANK_9: std::cout << '9'; break;
case RANK_10: std::cout << 'T'; break;
case RANK_JACK: std::cout << 'J'; break;
case RANK_QUEEN: std::cout << 'Q'; break;
case RANK_KING: std::cout << 'K'; break;
case RANK_ACE: std::cout << 'A'; break;
switch (card.suit)
case SUIT_CLUB: std::cout << 'C'; break;
case SUIT_DIAMOND: std::cout << 'D'; break;
case SUIT_HEART: std::cout << 'H'; break;
case SUIT_SPADE: std::cout << 'S'; break;
void printDeck(const std::array<Card, 52> &deck)
for (const auto &card : deck)
std::cout << ' ';
std::cout << '\n';
void swapCard(Card &a, Card &b)
Card temp = a;
a = b;
b = temp;
// Generate a random number between min and max (inclusive)
// Assumes srand() has already been called
int getRandomNumber(int min, int max)
static const double fraction = 1.0 / (static_cast<double>(RAND_MAX) + 1.0); // static used for efficiency, so we only calculate this value once
// evenly distribute the random number across our range
return static_cast<int>(rand() * fraction * (max - min + 1) + min);
void shuffleDeck(std::array<Card, 52> &deck)
// Step through each card in the deck
for (int index = 0; index < 52; ++index)
// Pick a random card, any card
int swapIndex = getRandomNumber(0, 51);
// Swap it with the current card
swapCard(deck[index], deck[swapIndex]);
int getCardValue(const Card &card)
switch (card.rank)
case RANK_2: return 2;
case RANK_3: return 3;
case RANK_4: return 4;
case RANK_5: return 5;
case RANK_6: return 6;
case RANK_7: return 7;
case RANK_8: return 8;
case RANK_9: return 9;
case RANK_10: return 10;
case RANK_JACK: return 10;
case RANK_QUEEN: return 10;
case RANK_KING: return 10;
case RANK_ACE: return 11;
return 0;
char getPlayerChoice()
std::cout << "(h) to hit, or (s) to stand: ";
char choice;
std::cin >> choice;
} while (choice != 'h' && choice != 's');
return choice;
bool playBlackjack(const std::array<Card, 52> &deck)
// Set up the initial game state
const Card *cardPtr = &deck[0];
int playerTotal = 0;
int dealerTotal = 0;
// Deal the dealer one card
dealerTotal += getCardValue(*cardPtr++);
std::cout << "The dealer is showing: " << dealerTotal << '\n';
// Deal the player two cards
playerTotal += getCardValue(*cardPtr++);
playerTotal += getCardValue(*cardPtr++);
// Player goes first
while (1)
std::cout << "You have: " << playerTotal << '\n';
// See if the player has busted
if (playerTotal > 21)
return false;
char choice = getPlayerChoice();
if (choice == 's')
playerTotal += getCardValue(*cardPtr++);
// If player hasn't busted, dealer goes until he has at least 17 points
while (dealerTotal < 17)
dealerTotal += getCardValue(*cardPtr++);
std::cout << "The dealer now has: " << dealerTotal << '\n';
// If dealer busted, player wins
if (dealerTotal > 21)
return true;
return (playerTotal > dealerTotal);
int main()
srand(static_cast<unsigned int>(time(0))); // set initial seed value to system clock
rand(); // If using Visual Studio, discard first random value
std::array<Card, 52> deck;
// We could initialize each card individually, but that would be a pain. Let's use a loop.
int card = 0;
for (int suit = 0; suit < MAX_SUITS; ++suit)
for (int rank = 0; rank < MAX_RANKS; ++rank)
deck[card].suit = static_cast<CardSuit>(suit);
deck[card].rank = static_cast<CardRank>(rank);
if (playBlackjack(deck))
std::cout << "You win!\n";
std::cout << "You lose!\n";
return 0;
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