dimanche 26 février 2017

Initialization of member array of non-copyable, non-movable, explicitly constructed types

A library which I can't modify has a type akin to the following:

class A {
    A () : A(0) { }
    explicit A (int const value) : value_(value) { }

    A (A const &) = delete;
    A (A &&) = delete;

    A & operator= (A const &) = delete;
    A & operator= (A &&) = delete;

    int value_;

Now, I have a class which requires a bunch of As as members. The most logical way to structure them is by putting them in an array. E.g. something like :

struct Foo {
  A a[2];

Is there any way to initialize each member with a distinct initial value? I've been trying various forms of using braced-list initialization, but they all fail due to either A(int) being explicit or A not having a copy/move-constructor.

What doesn't work:

  • Foo () : A{ { 1 }, { 2 } } { }: won't call A(int) since it's explicit.
  • Foo () : A{ { A(1) }, { A(2) } } { }: can't copy- nor move-assign.

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