lundi 27 février 2017

QT signal error: "this" is unavailable for static member function

I'm working at a socket class for my application that will introduce me in QT framework. When I try to build I get this error: 'this' is unavailable for static member functions. This is my class .h and .cpp

#pragma once
#include <QObject>
class QTcpSocket;
namespace Ps{
    class InstSocket : public QObject
        InstSocket(QObject *parent=0);
        bool Connect();
        bool isOpen();
        void Disconnect();

        QString GetHostName() const {return m_hostName;}
        quint16 GetPort() const {return m_port;}
        void SetHostName(const QString& value);
        void SetPort(quint16 value);
        void SetLongWaitMs(int value){m_longWaitMs = value;}
        void SetShortWaitMs(int value){m_shortWaitMs = value;}
        void WriteData(const QString &data) const;

        QString ReadData() const;
        static void NotifyConnected();
        static void NotifyDisconnected();

    private slots:
        void onConnected();
        void onDisconnected();

        //this holds a reference to QtcpSocket
        QTcpSocket& m_socket;
        QString m_hostName;
        quint16 m_port;
        int m_shortWaitMs;
        int m_longWaitMs;

        explicit InstSocket(const InstSocket& rhs) = delete;
        InstSocket& operator= (const InstSocket& rhs) = delete;

and the cpp:

#include "instsocket.h"
#include "QTcpSocket"
#include "QDebug"
#include "utils.h"

namespace Ps
    InstSocket::InstSocket(QObject *parent) :
        m_socket(*new QTcpSocket(this)),
        /* my signals are wired to the undelying socket signals, the signal connected is triggered, when a conection
         * is established. This will be wired to onConnected and Disconnected slots*/
        connect(&m_socket, &QTcpSocket::connected, this, &InstSocket::onConnected);
        connect(&m_socket, &QTcpSocket::disconnected, this, &InstSocket::onDisconnected);

    bool InstSocket::Connect()

        qDebug() << "attempting to connect to "<< m_hostName << "on port" << m_port << "with wait time: "<<m_longWaitMs;
        m_socket.connectToHost(m_hostName, m_port, QTcpSocket::ReadWrite);
        return m_socket.waitForConnected(m_longWaitMs);

    bool InstSocket::isOpen()
        return m_socket.isOpen();

    void InstSocket::Disconnect()
        if(!isOpen()) return;

    void InstSocket::onConnected()
        emit NotifyConnected();

    void InstSocket::onDisconnected()
        emit NotifyDisconnected();

    void InstSocket::SetHostName(const QString &value)
        m_hostName = value;

    void InstSocket::SetPort(quint16 value)
        m_port = value;

    void InstSocket::WriteData(const QString &data) const
        /*support for writeing to socket. The write metod of the socket will return the number of bites writen*/
        int bytes_written = m_socket.write(qPrintable(data));
        qDebug() << "Bytes written: "<<bytes_written;

    QString InstSocket::ReadData() const
            return "ERROR: Socket is unreadable.";
        QString result;
        //until the socket reports there is no data available
            /*since typically a PC would be much faster at reading than an instrument might be at writing
             * instrument must have a chance to queue up more data in case the message it's sending us is long.*/

        return result;


and this is the error:

Qt Projects\build-Vfp-Desktop_Qt_5_7_0_MSVC2015_64bit-Debug\debug\moc_instsocket.cpp:-1: In static member function 'static void         Ps::InstSocket::NotifyConnected()':
    error: 'this' is unavailable for static member functions

QMetaObject::activate(this, &staticMetaObject, 0, Q_NULLPTR); In static member function 'static void Ps::InstSocket::NotifyDisconnected()':
error: 'this' is unavailable for static member functions
    QMetaObject::activate(this, &staticMetaObject, 1, Q_NULLPTR);

When I clicked on them, QT creator took me to moc_instsocket.cpp (that is in build folder and poit to this:

    // SIGNAL 0
void Ps::InstSocket::NotifyConnected()
    QMetaObject::activate(this, &staticMetaObject, 0, Q_NULLPTR);

void Ps::InstSocket::NotifyDisconnected()
    QMetaObject::activate(this, &staticMetaObject, 1, Q_NULLPTR);

I can't figure out what to do althought I checked all the code several times. There is no need to know about utils class since there are just some debug messages. Did anyone know how to fix it?

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