mardi 29 août 2017

Dlib library can't find any STL template in iOS project (Xcode 8)

I'm trying to add Dlib library to my iOS project in Xcode 8.3.3.
I've tried to use this cocoapod and also tried to compile it myself but every time I get this: .../Pods/Headers/Public/dlib/dlib/image_processing/scan_image.h:6:10: 'vector' file not found
or even
.../Pods/dlib/build/install/include/dlib/algs.h:17:10: "Dlib requires C++11 support. Give your compiler the -std=c++11 option to enable it." .../Pods/dlib/build/install/include/dlib/algs.h:93:10: 'string' file not found
I've properly configured Xcode project and added every necessary dlib linker flags.
Project Build settings screenshot
Everything I'm trying to implement in Objective-C++ is contained in one .mm file.

I've tried everything. Please help. Thank you.

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