I'm trying to subscribe to different topics in ROS (one for every vehicle that pops up) using the same callback for all of them. The idea is that boost::bind
will pass the topic name as an additional argument so I know which vehicle I should access in the callback.
The problem is that, even though I've gone through multiple questions on the topic, none of the solutions seem to work.
Basically, I have the following class VOBase
containing a std::map<std::string, VOAgent*> agents_
with a member function as follows:
void VOBase::callback_agentState(const custom_msgs::VState::ConstPtr& vStateMsg,
std::string topic) {
// [...] regex to find agent name from topic string
std::string agent_name = match.str();
// [...] Check if agent name exists, else throw exception
// Process message
agents_[agent_name]->pos_ = vStateMsg->pose.position; // etc.
Which I'm calling through this subscription:
void VOBase::callback_agentList(const custom_msgs::VehicleList& vehListMsg) {
// [...] New agent/vehicle found: process vehListMsg and get agent_name string
// Subscribe to VState
topic_name = agent_name + "/state_estimate";
subscribers_[topic_name] = nodeHandlePtr->subscribe<custom_msgs::VState>(topic_name, 1,
std::bind(&VOBase::callback_agentState, this, _1, topic_name));
However, I'm getting a template argument deduction/substitution failed
with all the candidates and this error:
mismatched types ‘std::reference_wrapper<_Tp>’ and ‘VO::VOBase*’
typename add_cv<_Functor>::type&>::type>()(
I've tested a number of the solutions out there, e.g. using std::ref(this)
to get a std::reference_wrapper<_Tp>
instead of a VO::VOBase*
(the reference doesn't survive though: use of deleted function
), using boost::bind
instead of std::bind
(but it should be all the same since C++11), with and without the ...::ConstPtr
for the ROS message in the callback function arguments (and in the subscribe<acl_msgs::ViconState::ConstPtr>
, etc. So I'm just juggling with partial solutions and their permutations here...
Any clues?
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