vendredi 24 novembre 2017

C++ in need to fix output, related to "Making use of functions, pass by reference, and files."

I wrote a program, but when i submit it, I'm facing problems that i don't know how to fix. and that's were i need your help. here is the program:






using namespace std;


* Function to calculate the future value and return the same


double calculateFutureValue(double presentValue, double interestRate, int months)


double futureValue = (double)presentValue * pow( (1 + interestRate), months);

return futureValue;



* Function to read the input file and assign the value to the variables


unsigned int readfile(ifstream &inF, double &presentValue, double &interestRate, int &months)


inF >> presentValue;

inF >> interestRate;

inF >> months;

if(presentValue <= 0 || interestRate <= 0 || months <= 0)


return 2;


else if( !(presentValue <= 0 || interestRate <= 0 || months <= 0))

return 1;




return 0;




* Function to write data to file


void write2File(ofstream &of, double futureValue, double presentValue, double interestRate, int months)


of << futureValue << "\t" << presentValue << "\t" << interestRate << "\t" << months << "\n";


// main function

int main(void)


string infile;

cin >> infile;
ifstream inF;;



cout << "File "<< "\"" << infile << "\"" <<" could not be opened" <<endl;

return -1;


string outfile = "output.xls";

ofstream of;;



cout << "Error in creating the output file" << endl;

return -1;


of << "Future Value\tPresent Value\tMonthly Interest\tMonths\n"; // printing     header to output file

double futureValue;

double presentValue;

double interestRate;

int months;

of << fixed << setprecision(2); // to print 2 places after decimal into file

while(!inF.eof()) // looping untill end of file


int returnVal = readfile(inF, presentValue, interestRate, months);

if(returnVal == 2)


cout << presentValue << "\t" << interestRate << "\t" << months << endl;
cout << "One or more of the above values are not greater than zero." << endl;


else if(returnVal == 1)


futureValue = calculateFutureValue(presentValue, interestRate/100, months);

write2File(of, futureValue, presentValue, interestRate, months);





return 1;


Here is a link for two pictures of my output and expected output.

For some reason my program outputs extra things that i dont need it to.

Thanks in advance for your help.

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