I try to check in Class2 return return value type of method getGG() of class given as template parameter but my code doesn't compile. How to do it properly?
template <class T, class U>
struct hasProperMethodReturnValueType {
static constexpr bool value = std::is_same<T, std::decltype(U.getGG())>;
template<class P> class Class1 {
P gg;
Class1(P a) : gg(a) {}
P getGG() {
return gg;
template<class A, class P> class Class3 {
P gg;
A dd;
Class3(P a, A r) : gg(a), dd(r) {}
P getGG() {
return gg;
template<class G, class R> class Class2 {
static_assert(hasProperMethodReturnValueType<G, R>::value, "Not same type");
R cc;
Class2(R r) : cc(r) {};
int main() {
auto obj = Class2<int, Class1<int> >(Class1<int>(3));
auto obj2 = Class2<int, Class3<float, int> >(Class3<float, int>(0, 1.1));
return 0;
Compilation error:
error: template argument 2 is invalid
static constexpr bool value = std::is_same<T, std::decltype(U.getGG())>;
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