vendredi 20 avril 2018

Auto-Completion (VS 2017)

I cant resolve several issues which concern comfortable typing in VS2017 and must to say after hours that i've spent - Microsoft VS sucks.

  1. How change hotkey TAB to Enter?When i start entering function name for example myFuncisHuge i dont wanna type all thing,i entering just first two letters my and if highlighted name beneath correct - simply press my lovely Enter button.But no,only way to do so - press button "Down" and then "Enter".Or "TAB" which i dont like.

  2. No auto-parentheses for functions when i use autocomplete .Again,start entering name of function,use auto-complete with TAB(disgusting), it complete name of my func but i have add parentheses manually and after them semicolon...

I've came here after hours of surfing internet with this questions,i rly dont understand why guys in microsoft do such bad,why in QT or Embarcadero everything fine for default,when in most popular IDE i have to spent extra-hours for resolving basic things like that.

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