mardi 2 octobre 2018

Range based for loop for linked list

I have a function which operates on a nested linked list. The function is the following:

void DoLiana(void) {

    PlotPointer plot;
    TreePointer tree;

        plot = FirstPlot;
        while (plot != nullptr) {
            tree = plot->FirstTree;
            while (tree != nullptr) {
                if (tree->isLiana) {
                    if (tree->attachedTree == nullptr && TestForLianaAttach(plot, tree))
                    DoLianaAttachement(plot, tree);
                tree = tree->next;
            plot = plot->next;

Because this type of iterations happen multiple times in my code I am looking for a way to make the iteration more compact and expressive. I read that in C++11 there are ranged based for loops that iterate over a set. Would this construct be applicable in this situation? Or are there other possible ways to perform these iterations?

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