mercredi 26 décembre 2018

error in compilation; recursion in function;

This code I wrote is supposed to find probability. However I keep getting compilation error that I am unable to understand and recognize. Help would be very much appreciated.


using namespace std;
float probability (float w,float b)
    float p;
    if(w+b > 1)
    p = ((w*b*2)/(w+b+1)(w+b))*probability(w-1, b) + (2*b*(b-1)/(w+b+1)(w+b))*probability(w, b-2) + (2*w*(w-1)/(w+b+1)(w+b))*probability(w-1, b);
    else if (w == 1 && b == 0)
    p = 0;
    p = 1;
    return p;

int main()
    float white, black;

    float P = probability(white, black);
    cout<<"The probability that Nishant wins is: "<<P<<endl;
    return 0;


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