jeudi 31 janvier 2019

Questions on overloading operator+

My code did not work as I expected. For sure, I don't get the operator+ or something else.

the code is as follows:


class Vector
    Vector(float x, float y);
    Vector(const Vector& other);

    Vector operator+(float a);

    float mX;
    float mY;


#include "Vector.h"

Vector::Vector(float x, float y) : mX(x), mY(y)

Vector::Vector(const Vector & other) : mX(other.mX), mY(other.mY)


Vector Vector::operator+(float a)
    Vector tmp(0.f, 0.f);
    tmp.mX = a + mX;
    tmp.mY = a + mY;

    return tmp;


#include "Vector.h" 
#include <iostream>

int main()
    Vector a(4.5, 2.5);

    Vector b = a + 1.5;
    Vector c = 1.5 + a;   // Compile error

    return 0;

Actually, what I want is that both Vector b = a + 1.5 and Vector c = 1.5 + a are working by operator+(float a).

But in the case of Vector c = 1.5 + a, it doesn't work.

I tried to solve it but I didn't. Do I have to add another function? but how??

Sorry to bother you, guys.

Please, enlighten me.

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