mardi 26 février 2019

Broken pipe after writing to socket

In my network library I can do asynchronous writes to the network if I run() and restart() the io_context manually.

I'm now trying to make things scale by adding a thread pool:


struct pool : public std::enable_shared_from_this<pool> {
  pool(const pool &) = delete;
  auto operator=(const pool &) -> pool & = delete;
  explicit pool(pool_parameters config, db_parameters params) noexcept;

  asio::io_context m_io_context;

  asio::thread_pool m_workers;

  asio::executor_work_guard<asio::io_context::executor_type> m_work_guard;

  /// \brief Container to hold connections.
  std::vector<std::unique_ptr<dbc::connection>> m_connections;


pool::pool(pool_parameters config, db_parameters params) noexcept
    : m_config{std::move(config)},
      m_workers{m_config.thread_pool_size} {
  asio::post(m_workers, [&]() {; });

Which manages connections:


struct abstract_connection : connection {
  explicit abstract_connection(const std::shared_ptr<pool> &pool) noexcept;

  ~abstract_connection() override;
      packet m_buffer;

      asio::local::stream_protocol::endpoint m_endpoint;

      asio::generic::stream_protocol::socket m_socket;

      asio::io_context::strand m_strand;


abstract_connection::abstract_connection(const std::shared_ptr<pool> &pool) noexcept
        : m_params{pool->m_params},
          m_strand{pool->m_io_context} {

abstract_connection::~abstract_connection() {
      std::error_code ec;
      m_socket.shutdown(asio::generic::stream_protocol::socket::shutdown_both, ec);

Now comes the confusing park. On the ctor of a concrete connection object I need to do a handshake, along with a handshake on the destructor of the same class. Which does not happen because the socket object seems to be behaving in odd ways:

If I send data asyncrhonously, nothing gets written to the socket and sometimes I get a broken pipe error:

asio::dispatch(m_strand, [&]() {
          m_buffer = write::startup(m_params);
          asio::async_write(m_socket, asio::buffer(m_buffer), [](std::error_code ec, std::size_t len) {});

If I do a synchronous write I get a broken pipe error before I can read from the socket:

std::error_code ec;
        auto startup = write::startup(m_params);
        asio::write(m_socket, asio::buffer(startup), ec);
        if (set_error(ec)) {
          std::cerr << " XXX " << ec.message() << std::endl;

        asio::read(m_socket, asio::buffer(m_buffer), ec);
        std::cerr << ec.message() << std::endl;
        std::cerr << m_buffer.size() << std::endl;

The connection is being done over a unix socket and I have socat sitting between both, so I can see data coming and going, along with the broken pipe messages. Trying to connect to the remote using a third party tool works, with all relevant data appearing in socat, so I believe the problem is in my code.

How can I debug what is going on with the socket?

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