jeudi 25 avril 2019

How do i specialize my template for std::string

I have the following templated function

template <typename As, typename std::enable_if<
std::is_arithmetic<As>::value, As>::type* = nullptr   > 
As getStringAs(const std::string& arg_name)
    std::istringstream istr(arg_name);
    As val;
    istr >> val;
    if (
        throw std::invalid_argument(arg_name);
    return val;

And i would like to use it like this:


What would be a good way to specialize the function for std::string so that i can write


I have tried all my known ways but they all seem to fail due to the ambiguity generated by the default type of the enable_if. For example: if i write:

std::string getStringAs<std::string>(const std::string& arg_name)

This will not match any template overload. If i add a second type, this will generate an ambiguity error. I have tried google-in but the only thing i could find was about tag dispatch but that would make the call ugly on the user side. I was thinking at the very ugly solution of using a macro definition for replacing getStringAs with a dispatch tag.

Thank you!

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