mercredi 31 juillet 2019

Can a constexpr linked list of arbitrary types be created?

I'm trying to implement a trait-based policy subsystem and I have an issue which I don't really know how to tackle (if it's even possible). I have a traits that looks like this:

template <typename ValueT, typename TagT = void, typename EnableT = void>
struct TPolicyTraits
    static void Apply(ValueT& value) { }

And this trait can be specialized as such:

struct MyPolicy {};

template <typename ValueT>
struct TPolicyTraits<ValueT, MyPolicy>
    static void Apply(ValueT& value) { /* Implementation */ }

I would like to register policy at compile time in a sort of linked list. The policy system would be used like this:

namespace PolicyTraits
    template <typename ValueT, typename TagT>
    using TPolicyTraitsOf = TPolicyTraits<std::decay_t<ValueT>, TagT>;

    template <typename ValueT>
    void Apply(ValueT& value) 
        // todo iterate through constexpr tag list and apply policies

    template <typename TagT>
    constexpr void Enable()
        // todo add tag to constexpr list

int main()

Is there any way to achieve this?

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