jeudi 31 octobre 2019

Print duplicate values once in a multimap

I have a multimap that contains using myMap= std::multimap <std::string, std::string>;

here is a sample data that's in it.


I'd like to print just the values, but all the values should only be printed once and should be sorted.

I've tried the following.

void print_lines(myMap& tramlines)
    for (auto it = tramlines.begin(); it != tramlines.end(); ) {
        std::string key = it->second;

        std::cout << it->second << std::endl;

        // Advance to next non-duplicate entry.
        do {
        } while (it != tramlines.end() && key == it->second);

It still printed the values more than once. So I tried the following.

auto uniq = std::unique(tramlines.begin(), tramlines.end());
tramlines.erase(uniq, tramlines.end());

for(auto item : tramlines)
    std::cout << item.second << std::endl;

But that's giving me the following error

Severity    Code    Description Project File    Line    Suppression State
Error   C2679   binary '=': no operator found which takes a right-hand operand of type 'std::pair<const _Kty,_Ty>' (or there is no acceptable conversion)   Prog2Test

What are my options here? I can't find anything online that points to printing values, I've found plenty for Keys.

Would iterating through the values and adding them to set and printing them out a good idea?

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