jeudi 28 novembre 2019

Class templates alias should not be visible in generated symbols, do they?

When compiling this snipet in godbolt, most compilers generate two different get methods (different symbol in the assembly window):

template<typename  T> 
struct Field { T impl; };

template<typename  T> 
using CurrentField = Field<T>;

template<template <typename> class F> 
struct Encompassing { F<int> member; };

auto get(Encompassing<Field> const& instance)
    return instance.member.impl;
auto get(Encompassing<CurrentField> const& instance)
    return instance.member.impl;

I see CurrentField in symbols even if it is an alias. Only gcc complains about redefinition (as expected).

C++ reference on type_alias says

It does not introduce a new type

so I think it is not supposed to behave like this, am I wrong?

Actually most compiler seems behave like the alias template was substituted with class Trait like

template<typename T>
struct CurrentField
 alias type = Field<T> ;

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