I have implemented a simple code which simulates cell life. For some cases it works fine, but for others, it gives a SIGABRT out of range error in line 72(as highlighted). The code essentially takes a vector of cell numbers as input. Then it creates two new vectors, celllife and time vectors, in which it stores the lifetime of the cell and the time elapsed to compare the cell's life. For example, if cell life vectors are
{2, 3, 4, 1, 2}
and time vector's element's are:
{0, 1, 2, 0, 1}
it means that cell 1 has a lifetime of 2 but 0 seconds have elasped for it, and so on. The program prints the total number of cells each second, and terminates when all the cells die i.e the time vector values are more than celllife values. the expected output should look something like this:
[Main] Input gene seeds: 2 10 18 26 34 66
Monitor: Total cells: 0 [0 s]
Monitor: Total cells: 6 [1 s]
Monitor: Total cells: 24 [2 s]
Monitor: Total cells: 18 [3 s]
Monitor: Total cells: 0 [4 s]
but because of the error, it only reaches till the second-last line:
[Main] Input gene seeds: 2 10 18 26 34 66
Monitor: Total cells: 0 [0 s]
Monitor: Total cells: 6 [1 s]
Monitor: Total cells: 24 [2 s]
Monitor: Total cells: 18 [3 s]
Any suggestions for fixing the error will be greatly appreciated!
// code
#include <iostream>
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
#include <thread>
#include <string>
#include <sstream>
#include <chrono>
#include <mutex>
#include <stdlib.h>
using namespace std;
vector<int> inputs;
vector<thread> threads;
vector<int> timevector;
int laststrike= 0;
int newcell_lifetime;
//int counter;
int counter= 0;
int sum;
int main()
cout<<"[Main] Please input a list of gene seeds: "<<endl;
//we get a line as string and pass them into the vector 'inputs'
int value;
string line;
getline(cin, line);
istringstream iss(line);
while(iss >> value){
int total=0;
int timer= 0;
bool happening = true;
cout<<"[Monitor] Started [ 0 s ]"<<endl; //intial value of total cells
while(happening == true){//this runs until the total value reaches zero
int j=0;
for (int unsigned i = 0; i < inputs.size(); i++) {
//traverses through every element in vector
//the following are computations for calculating variables 'lifetime' and
int lifetime = (0.1+(inputs.at(i)%8));
if (timer >= lifetime ){
inputs.erase(inputs.begin() + i);
int halflife= lifetime/2;
if (timer == halflife ){
int newcell = inputs.at(i)/ 8;
if(newcell != 0){
//newcells=newcells+ newcell;
}//if halflife equals timer, the code inserts the new cell into the childcells vector and inserts a 0 value into the time vector
int count=0;
vector<int>::iterator it;
for(it = celllife.begin(); it != celllife.end(); it++,count++ ){
if (celllife.at(count) == timevector.at(count)) { //this is the line with the SIGABRT error
timevector.erase(timevector.begin() + count);
celllife.erase(celllife.begin() + count);
childcells.erase(childcells.begin() + count);
sum= accumulate(childcells.begin(), childcells.end(), 0);
cout<<"[Monitor] Total cells "<<total<<" [ " <<int(timer) <<" s ]"<<endl;
for (int unsigned k = 0; k< timevector.size(); k++) {
}//after one second, all timevector values are incremented
if(total == 0){
happening = false;
return 0;
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