vendredi 27 mars 2020

Copying from one dimensional vector vector

I have multiple 3 one dimensional vectors (vector<int> starts, vector<int> ends, vector<int> points). Each having specific number of elements.

I want to create a two dimensional vector vector<pair<int,int>>matrix in such a sequence :

  1. from beginning of matrix to size of start first element of matrix is elements of vector<int> starts and second element is "-1"
  2. Append now the elements of vector<int> ends to matrix such that first element of matrix is elements of vector<int> ends and second element is "-2"
  3. Append now the elements of vector<int> points to matrix such that first element of matrix is elements of vector<int> points and second element is Index of points.

    Visual Representation :-


    starts: {1, 2, 3} ends: {4, 5, 6} points: (7, 8, 9}


    matrix: { {1, -1}, {2, -1}, {3, -1}, {4, -2}, {5, -2}, {6, -2}, {7, 0}, {8, 1}, {9, 2} }

Currently I am using a push_back with for-loop function which works perfectly fine but when the input size is big code is very slow.

Code I am using is as follows:

vector<pair<int,int>> fast_count_segments(
    vector<int> starts, 
    vector<int> ends, 
    vector<int> points) 
   int i = 0;

   for(i; i<starts.size(); i++) {
   for(i; i<starts.size()+ends.size(); i++) {
   for(i; i<starts.size()+ends.size()+points.size(); i++) {
   return matrix;

Can you please help on how to fill the 2D vector quickly with these requirements without iterating through each element. I am using C++11. Thanks in Advance !!

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