mercredi 27 mai 2020

function pointer to overloaded static member - to use as custom deleter in unique_ptr

I have a class with static and overloaded member function. I want to use one them as a custom deleter in a unique_ptr there are lots of questions on this topic, none of them worked for me.

#include <iostream>
#include <memory>
#include <functional>

class A {
    static void release() {
        std::cout << "void released\n";
    static void release(int*i) {
        std::cout << *i << " released\n";

int main()
    int i = 10;
    std::unique_ptr<int, decltype(&A::release(int*))> ptr(&i, &A::release); // compiler error
    std::unique_ptr<int, std::function<void(int*)>> ptr(&i, &A::release); // compiler error
    return 0;

try it out here:

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