mardi 27 octobre 2020

What to do if the object is destroyed during the call in C++

Here is my test code

class bar
    explicit bar(int x) : num(x) {}
    int get_num()
        return num;

    int num;

shared_ptr<bar> ptr_store;

void get_func()
    while (1)
        printf("get_num:%d\n", ptr_store->get_num());

void set_func()
    while (1)
        //ptr_store = make_shared<bar>(1);
        atomic_exchange(&ptr_store, make_shared<bar>(1));


int main()
    ptr_store = make_shared<bar>(-1);
    std::thread t1(get_func);
    std::thread t2(set_func);

I wonder why this program wouldn't make a core dump?

If set_func in t2 destroy the origin ptr_store when t1 is using ptr_store->get_num(), it could cause some fault? Is it Guaranteed by shared_ptr? Or it just a coincidence.

Test environment:
OS: Ubuntu 20.04 LTS
Clang: clang version 3.9.1
G++: gcc version 7.5.0 

update: I think there is no possibility that two threads access one object. atomic_exchange or reset can be considered an atomic operation. When setting the new object, the old object will not be changed.

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