jeudi 21 janvier 2021

get method/Function giving me an unexpected number in C++

I have 3 files main.cpp, Student.cpp and Student.h The code is below:


#include "Student.h"
using namespace std;

int main()
    Student obj;
    obj.setName("My name is Uzair Khan. \n");
    cout << obj.getName();

    cout << obj.getRollNumber();



#include "Student.h"

void Student::setName(string x)
    name = x;

string Student::getName()
    return name;

int Student::setRollNumber(int rollNumber)
    int RollNum = rollNumber;
    return RollNum;

int Student::getRollNumber()
    return rollNumber;


#pragma once
#include <string>
using namespace std;

class Student
    void setName(string x);
    string getName();
    int setRollNumber(int rollNumber);
    int getRollNumber();

    string name;
    int rollNumber;

The output is very unexpected. I don't know why I am not able to get the roll number as clear integers, instead of getting Roll Number 201. I got something like this -858993460. I don't know why. I am new to C++. If anyone could help/explain, that would we very helpful. Thank You

(Note:- I am using Visual Studio 2019 community edition)


My name is Uzair Khan.

enter image description here

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