mercredi 30 juin 2021

Boost::spirit::qi parse alternative variant

I need to parse string with parameters A and B. Order of the parameters not defined. I.e. string can be present as one of the next formats


Part of my code you can see below. But in that code I can parse only A="value1",B="value2" variant. Could I modify this code to parse the first and second variants together? Yes, I can add alternative condition ("|"). But what if I need to parse new C and D parameters.

using Iterator = std::string::const_iterator;
qi::rule<Iterator, std::string()> quotedStringParser;
quotedStringParser %= ('"' >> +(qi::char_ - '"') >> '"');

std::string A;
std::string B;
bool isImport = false;

if (!qi::parse(begin(line), end(line),
    ("A=" >> quotedStringParser[px::ref(A) = qi::_1] >> ',' >> "B=" >> quotedStringParser[px::ref(B) = qi::_1]) >> qi::eoi
)) {
    return false;

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