mercredi 14 juillet 2021

Store text based columns data into array C++

I’m trying to store data from a text file into an array in order to use it afterwards. The problem is when there is a header for each data, how can skip a line in the middle of the text or to take it separately?

#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>

main() {
    double tab[100][6] = {0};
    int  i =0, j;
   std::string name = "test.txt";
//   std::cout << "Enter filename: ";
//   std::cin >> name;

   std::fstream file;
   std::string word;;
   std::getline(file,word); // skip the first line
   while(file >> word) { //take word and print
      std::cout << word << std::endl;
      for(int j=0; j<=5; j++){
      tab[i][j] = stoi(word);
   // displaying
   for(int j = 0; j<= 40;j++){
    std::cout << tab[i][0] << "\t" <<  tab[i][1] << "\t" << tab[i][2] << "\t" << tab[i][3] << "\t" << tab[i][4] << "\t" << tab[i][5];

test.txt file

18407022  2018-07-05 00:04:02  MHAM  EIDW  42  S1REB  RYR5GW  3726  JNEIE  837B  Datum  RYR  IFR  Undefined  1  1  2018-07-05  00:15:38  2018-07-05  00:22:56  111  extended
0.0  113416.9  479798.5  -0.2  3.6  0.0
4.0  113395.2  479785.0  1.2  9.3  25.5
8.0  113352.2  479758.7  1.2  16.0  75.9
12.0  113284.9  479717.4  0.5  23.6  154.9
16.0  113189.9  479659.1  -0.5  32.2  266.3
20.0  113064.3  479582.1  -0.9  41.7  413.7
24.0  112904.9  479483.9  -0.3  52.1  600.9
18407022  2018-07-05  00:12:14  MHAM  EIDW  42  S1REB  RYR5GW  3726  JNEIE  837B  Datum  RYR  IFR  Undefined  1  1  2018-07-05  00:30:38  2018-07-05  00:42:56  111  extended
0.0  145431.6  480046.3  4533.3  180.4  0.0
4.0  144747.1  480268.2  4493.4  179.5  719.5
8.0  144059.0  480468.7  4452.0  179.0  1436.2
12.0  143368.6  480655.3  4409.8  178.7  2151.4
16.0  142677.0  480835.6  4367.6  178.6  2866.1
20.0  141985.8  481017.2  4326.1  178.8  3580.9
24.0  141295.9  481207.3  4286.1  179.0  4296.4

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