mercredi 27 octobre 2021

Constructor with variable number of arguments

I want to add a constructor that could allow a variable number of arguments. caller is a function that could call other functions with their arguments(something simliar to thread but for calling functions only). I already made it with a function template

template <class C,class ... _Args >
void caller(C(*f) ( _Args ... __args ), _Args ... __args ){(*f ) ( __args ...) ;}

But I need to have a class because it also should make an object of this class. something like this.


I made a class for caller with a constractor that could call other functions with a known number of arguments.

#include <iostream>
class caller  {
caller(){std::cout<<"Constructor default";  }
caller(void (*Optype)(int),int a){Optype(a);std::cout<<"Constructor 1";  }
//*** Constructor for variable number of arguments**

and it works correctly with following code

#include <iostream>
#include "caller"
using namespace std;
void foo(int a){
int main()
  caller c;
  return 1;

I want to know how can I add a constructor which works with different numbers of variables and is it possible it allows different types of variables too? I ask for something like the function template that I already made but in the class.

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