jeudi 10 février 2022

Why does std::condition_variable::wait_for() return with timeout if duration too large?

The following behavior was seen under g++ 11.2.1 . The std::condition_variable wait_for method returns immediately if the timeout variable is too large. In particular in the program below, if num_years==1, then the program hangs waiting as expected (presumably for 1 year), but if the variable num_years==1000 then the program returns immediatly.

Why does this happen? Is this a bug in g++? And a related question, how do you make the cv.wait_for() wait indefinitely, instead of guessing a large timeout value?

//  This is '' compile with:
//    g++ -o cv_wait -std=c++2a
// An example showing that wait_for() returns immediately with a timeout
// return value if the duration variable is "too large".

#include <iostream>
#include <condition_variable>
#include <chrono>

int main(int argc, char **argv)
  std::condition_variable cv;
  std::mutex cv_m;

  // If num_years is "too large", e.g. 1000, then cv.wait_for()
  // returns immediately with a timeout condition!
  int num_years = 1;  // If 1000 then cv.wait_for() returns immediately!
  std::chrono::seconds timeout((uint64_t)3600 * 24 * 365 * num_years);
  std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(cv_m);
  if (cv.wait_for(lock, timeout, [] { return false; }))
      std::cerr << "No timeout!\n";
      std::cerr << "Timeout!\n";

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