I'm currently tried to build google cloud client libraries on windows. On build the final library I run into function call is ambiguous. They have the below code in a header pagination_range.h. The issue google response class sometimes have both or none of the declared functions would this ever be able to run/compile with c++11 in msys or msvc
typename StreamReader<T>::result_type GetNext() {
if (current_ == page_.end()) {
if (last_page_) return Status{};
auto response = loader_(request_);
if (!response.ok()) return std::move(response).status();
token_ = ExtractPageToken(*response);
if (token_.empty()) last_page_ = true;
page_ = extractor_(*std::move(response));
current_ = page_.begin();
if (current_ == page_.end()) return Status{};
return std::move(*current_++);
template <typename U>
static constexpr auto ExtractPageToken(U& u)
-> decltype(std::move(*u.mutable_next_page_token())) {
return std::move(*u.mutable_next_page_token());
template <typename U>
static constexpr auto ExtractPageToken(U& u)
-> decltype(std::move(u.next_page_token)) {
return std::move(u.next_page_token);
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